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Over deze organisatie

Speakap is a tech company that makes the best internal communications tools, used by more than 350 companies worldwide. We love to work with people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives, and invite you to come and do the best work of your life here at Speakap!
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"Speakap is the best place I’ve worked thus far because there is a clear sense of trust, something I dearly missed with previous employers. I trust Speakap, Speakap trusts me, and colleagues trust each other. No matter what happens day-to-day, that trust helps us handle it."
Sarah Darweesh
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The absence of discrimination and the presence of a procedure to appeal in case of injustice

People have fun with their colleagues, can be oneself at work and have the feeling that employees can build on and help each other

Employees feel that they work in a friendly and fun environment and new employees are hospitable welcomed

Employees are being seen as individuals with personal lives

Great Place to Work over

Speakap is evaluated on the Great Place to Work criteria. Speakap has been certified on the basis of the feedback from employees about the level of trust, pride and camaraderie and the evaluation of the employer's policies.

The employees score highest on camaraderie and fun. For example, the statement "When you join the company, you are quickly made to feel welcome" scores 96%.

On the Culture Audit (evaluation of the employer policies) Speakap has the highest scores on the themes Onboarding and Inspiring.

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"I started Speakap with my co-founder Erwin van der Vlist to be the best company we can be. Surrounding ourselves with good people has been at the heart of our efforts, no matter how fast we’ve grown, and I’m beyond thrilled to see this reflected back from our colleagues like this!"
Patrick van der Mijl
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Werken bij

We want to make every colleague feel welcome and at home, even before they start their first day. After signing their contract, every new joiner receives a handwritten postcard and a birdhouse to let them know that, no matter where they're coming from, Speakap can be their home away from home. We eat our own dogfood and use Speakap as our main channel of communication, so two weeks before their start date, our new colleague is invited to activate their Speakap account. This gives them the opportunity to become part of Speakap, connect with colleagues, and check out what is going on before they actually start.

On their first day, we welcome our new colleague with a warm gift (a sweater!), we introduce them to all of our colleagues face-to-face and connect them to their assigned ‘team buddy’. The team buddy helps our new colleague settle in. All new joiners are invited to onboarding sessions. These sessions help them step into our culture and become a part of it from the day they start.

Last but not least, all new joiners write introduction posts to put on Speakap on their first day, sharing their hobbies, personal interests and whatever else they feel like sharing. It’s a nice way for everyone in the company to get to know our new colleagues!

Are you curious about working at Speakap? Visit our jobs page and get in touch!

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